To Love

To love like a sunset
To kiss with the colours
To paint with the clouds
To dip under the covers
To sneak peeks at the moon
As it hides from our sun
As it touches our skin with its pale silver tongue

To love like the ocean
Waves ravage your shores
The sea foams and roars

To love like a river
Flowing and gentle
Runs over rapids
Sediment settles

To love like the forest
To love like the trees
Like gold pillars of light
Piercing through
Dancing leaves

To love like it's midnight
Still, silent breaths
Fogging the air as the breeze-brought chill sets
Under the star-laden sky
Our embrace
The far constellations
Shining your grace

To love like the sunrise,
To love like the dawn,
Like twighlight, like dusk
Like the sky far beyond
To love like time passes
And to love like it's stopped

Just to love in the first place
To love, more than not.

Nick ZH

Multilingual Audio Freelancer based in his studio on Lake Geneva, Switzerland.




Bread Crumbs