I could fall asleep here

I could fall asleep here
On this bench
In the middle of nowhere
Farmer’s fields stretching out before me
The forest behind

The crickets chirp
An orchestra
The birds partake
Occasional cracking in the woods
Of hurried passers-by

Even the distant running cars
Of the countryside
Seem far and few between
Their fat gorges muffled
The air serene

The smell is clean
Of pure, pure green
And even the cloud cover
Just above my head
Is not a bother

The loud, distinctive hum
Is gone
Of business and stress and ‘life’
This other ‘life’ is much more fun
To taste it feels so nice

I could fall asleep here
No worries in the world
No weight in body mind or soul
Save maybe for my toothbrush
But hey - who’ll really know?

Nick ZH

Multilingual Audio Freelancer based in his studio on Lake Geneva, Switzerland.


Morning Storming


Summer Storm