On Taking it Easier and Letting Possessions Go
Writing Challenge Day Eleven, took it a bit easier and lowered the word count threshold to manage and get some sleep.
It’s nearly midnight (23:55), I’ve been moving things around all day and sorting through hundreds of books. As much as I want to continue the challenge in earnest and write out a full-length article, I also need to know when to take a break. This is one of those times when sleep and rest will take priority over getting the writing challenge completed properly. I’m still writing! That’s a huge chunk of the goal, of maintaining a level of consistency in this. However, I am feeling my eyelids drooping quite heavily. I’ll write until I call it a night, and hopefully I’ll hit my target word count, or at least get somewhere in the ball park. I don’t think I’ll be as strict in enforcing things today.
This just means that there’s more to look forward to in tomorrow’s entry, as I have a lot of thoughts on my mind that I’d love to get down in writing and formulated. It’s been a very intense day in so many different ways. I’ve been packing and sorting not only my life for the past three years in this apartment, but also a massive chunk of my life up until this moment. Many things have had to be thrown away that I had not even thought about in years, and that I was admittedly reluctant to part with.
However, Marie Kondo (a.k.a. KonMari) would be proud, as many things that I have truly been hoarding without a purpose have been appropriately disposed of. The only thing I find myself endlessly attached to is books. Luckily I know the owner of the local English bookstore, who is also an avid fan of Japan. He has kindly offered to take most of the books that I’m giving away. Honestly, books make up the large majority of what I have had to deal with in the move, and have taken up just about the entirety of my day. I’ve been triaging books all day. The urge to open up and flick through a lot of them did not help.
But I wanted to write a proper entry on books, as I have many things to say and write about them indeed. Books will be the main theme of tomorrow’s entry. Speaking of which, I will be heading off.